We gather the thoughts, We talk to professionals

  1. #WeTalkToProfessionals

    Internal Audit Workshop – What they want to hear

    – July 2021

    What do the members of the Audit Committee want to hear from the Internal Audit Manager? The members of the Audit Committee and the Internal Auditor sit together around the same boardroom table, but the profiles, attitudes and motivations are not alike.

    Xavier Bedoret has been invited on July 13, 2021 by Verra Marmalidou (President) and Effie Kokka (CEO) of the Greek Institute of Internal Auditors to lead a workshop on this subject.

  2. #WeTalkToProfessionals

    Riverflow – A meaningful role-play

    – June 2021

    This Wednesday, June 23, a dozen participants, most of them certified by the Moroccan Institute of Directors, played a meeting of the audit committee of the company RIVERFLOW. This exercise was facilitated by Xavier BEDORET of GOVERNEO. It took place at the MUNDIAPOLIS University in Casablanca.

  3. #WeTalkToProfessionals

    INSEAD Webinar

    – June 2021

    16 members of the INSEAD IDN network joined a webinar on June 16, 2021 to discuss the Latest trends in Belgian and International Boards.

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